Monday, September 1, 2008

Coming Attractions

I need a vacation from my vacation!

OK, now that was a long weekend...and I mean that in every sense of the word.

On the bright side, after much cursing and gnashing of teeth, the upgrades to the Batcomputer are finally done, and the design and prep work for the next batch of 'Alizée Fan Starter Kit' disques is just about complete. On the not-so-bright side, all of the above hasn't exactly left me with a whole lot of time to do much of anything else...including coming up with content for today's blog post.

So here, instead, is a sneak preview at the contents of the brand-spankin' new Mark IV disques, which ought to be ready for dropping before the end of the week:

Not too shabby, huh? I'm really excited about these--the Mark IV is easily the best, and most professional-looking iteration of the Op Drop disque to date. And now that most of the up-front donkey work is out of the way, they're surprisingly not much more expensive or time-consuming to produce than the Mark II's were.

More on the Mark IV's tomorrow, along with an idea where and when they might first start being dropped. Because, from the look of things, they'll be done just in time...


  1. Very nice! I want to develop an LTNY DVD for our next event at the Yelle concert...

  2. Hehehe... Are you thinking what I think you're thinking, DD?
