Monday, August 18, 2008

Evolution of a Disque, Part II

Previously, on Operation: Disque Drop...

Welcome back, Op Drop fans. No imaginary celebrity reader of bold headlines today, I’m afraid. I did have a rather impressive speaker lined up, but unfortunately he had to cancel due to time constraints—apparently a good three dozen other bloggers are scheduled to put words in his mouth today, and he just didn’t have the time to fit us in. (See what I did there? That was my rather lame attempt at timely political humor…and it’ll never happen again, promise.) It’s a shame too, since he and Alizée apparently have a goal in common: making the French language known in the United States. (Could he secretly be a closet fan, perhaps? Hmm…)

So anyway, here’s what we’ve covered so far on Operation: Disque Drop:

My videos! Let me show you them!

One more thing before we move onto new business—in referring to my last post while I was writing up this one, I realized that I neglected to actually link to the videos I included on the disc the way I’d intended. I’ve since gone back and edited the post to fix it, but in case you can’t be bothered to click on either of the links to it that I’ve already provided for you (slacker!), here they are again:

Again, let me know in the comments what you think of the selection, whether you agree or think I’m totally off my nut. As the title of the post suggests, this is a project that’s constantly evolving, so if somebody makes a pretty compelling case for an alternate video or performance, there’s a decent chance it’ll show up in a future iteration of the disque.

So that’s the contents of the disque out of the way. Now that we know what’s on it, let’s take a look at the disque itself.

Mark I: So cheap, they’re practically free! (And boy, does it show.)

Once I got (stole) the intial idea for Op Drop, I immediately rushed into action. Like Tony Stark designing his Iron Man armor, for my first crude attempt I made do with whatever crude materials I had available on hand. In his case, it was a cache of state-of-the-art weapons stolen from his company by the terrorists who were holding him hostage. In mine, it was a package of 10 CD-Rs and a box of paper sleeves I had lying around the house, left over from a time before iPods and DVD burners, when dinosaurs walked the earth.

Both of our first attempts were functional, but lacking a certain aesthetic. They got the job done, but they sure weren’t pretty…

Actually, I’m not altogether sure mine even got the job done. Because I didn’t have this blog set up yet, the first ten disques I dropped pointed whoever found them to Alizée America, and asked them to post on the forums to tell the story about how their disque found them. At the time, I thought it’d be really cool and mysterious, both for the disques’ recipients and the forum regulars at AAm

Uh-huh. It’s been about a month since I dropped the first of those disques (more about which in a future post, later this week), and about two weeks since I dropped the last one. Nobody yet has ever posted on Aam to say they found one. Given how crude and homemade they looked, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if –as Euphoria suggested in the comments last Thursday—if they just wound up being thrown out or smashed…just like Tony’s Mark I armor after he escaped from those terrorists.

Clearly, for both of us, an upgrade was in order…

But more on that tomorrow. See you then, folks...same Lili time, same Lili channel!


  1. Hi there, Ben from LTNY here. I really like what you're doing! But I can think of one problem. At least speaking for myself, I'd never put a strange found disc inside my computer. Despite saying no viruses or spyware, how can know? It's like having unprotected sex. That's one reason LTNY has stuck to audio CDs. Those either just play or don't, they won't break your stereo.

  2. @ Snatcher 42: Hey Ben, thanks for the feedback! You make a good point, and it's one that I've wrestled with since the earliest stages of Op Drop. Initially I thought the benefits outweighed the drawbacks, but I'm admittedly beginning to have second (and third, and fourth) thoughts...

    I think I'll probably wind up addressing this in a post later this week, likely Thursday or Friday. Mind if I quote you?
